weekly wrapup 11.23.08
Lesson Topic: Developing Habits: Accountability
Attendance: Average..missing a few. heard some of the guys were in the field hunting.
'Fun' Factor: Gave up the fun time to launch and nuture small groups. prior to breaking up into groups we watched "aim lower"as a spring board to the conversation.

Volunteer Involvement: excellent.
Music: short, the team had a family birthday party for great grandma's 95th...so we let them go first and then duck out.
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 25 minutes.
week two of a series focusing on developing spiritual disciplines. some great encouragement about the "30 day quiet time journal" launched last week. three students confirmed that they pushed through all seven days...several others had gotten through five days and a few more hit three of the days. good stuff. the nite also included our first serious attempt at small groups as part of the sunday nite experience. The reports back indicated it was a very good and positive experience. once we reconvenied we rolled through the idea of having accountability partners. this is probably the hardest session in the discipline but also the one with the great rewards. i asked an adult leader, mike to share his story and involvement in the life of another man in the church. it was real and good and provided a excellent model of how it can look.