weekly wrapup 11.02.08

just some of the fun that was had. more later.

Lesson Topic: Circle of Love
Attendance: Above Average.
'Fun Factor': Tonite was really all about fun. lip sync '08
Volunteer Involvement: Excellent turn out by the adult leaders.
Music: The live music from adam and team veneration was great!
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 10 minutes. took a little time walk through john 13:34 about the greatest command of loving one another.
Student Response: today was just about having a great time. great participation from all. students did a great job. much variety in the music style. even the adults took it up a few notches and engaged at level that truly showed their heart and love towards youth. i added my own element with a newly acquired mullet and some tye tribbett. pictured above hangin' with one of my homies. yep...good stuff. tonite stretched us all. we wrapped up the whole thing with a adult-led redention from disney's hsm. yeah...altogether we had fun.
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