weekly wrapup 03.29.09
Lesson Topic: Live Love: the way of Love
Attendance: Average.
'Fun' Factor: Above Average: its amazing what tweaking the old school game of tic-tac-toe can look like...when you give it a human touch. much fun and no mess.
Volunteer Involvement: Above Average- we're stepping up the small group and tonite our leaders did some great work. heard many good words from the students.
Music: veneration did a great job. the sound is improving literally because of the new drum cage. (all the adults smile.) Playlist: Mighty to Save-The Stand, Hosanna, and You Said.
Lesson Quality: a great study about the word love and how its misused in daily conversation. spent time in small groups understanding the Biblical truth that - true love only exists in a trusting relationship with God.
We seek in many different forms and the reality is true love must be given. It must come to you. The great news is that it has come. God gave Himself completely in Jesus Christ. We talked about how our relationships require listening and responding. Loving God means living for God. We walked away with an understanding there is no such thing as real love apart from complete trust in God...and we challenge each other to live love by looking at our own lives to reveal trust in God and where disobedience to His Word shows a lack of love.

parker told about the team blessing a young boy with a new pair of shoes...which wasn't why they thought they were there. but that's the way God works...surprising us with new opportunities every day to LIVE LOVE.