weekly wrapup 2.22.09

Lesson Topic: Developing Habits That Will Change
Your Life: Studying Scripture
Attendance: Average.
'Fun' Factor: Above Average. It seems like when we're off a week folks just wanted to connect and have fun. a lot of interest around the video gaming stations.
Volunteer Involvement: Average - we were a little sparse tonite. work schedules, busy weekend saying "goodbye" to Pastor Charles and his family sent some of our adult leaders looking for some rest at home.
Excited about next week when we launch our first growth group for youth prior to our sunday evening gathering. we're ramping up generation change had 9 students sign up. looking forward to the impact it can make in the lives of our students.
small groups went well as we talked about the importance and value of know and reading scripture. we realized that our learning it well allows us to offer God's Word to others who may need encouragement.
update: we handed out a useful bible study tool on 1 john as an example of how to study the Scriptures. turns out a friend of ours in ministry,(met up with back in '07) rudy carrasco, from harambee preached this weekend at mars hill in grand rapids. his intro to 1 john is worth the listen here.