weekly wrapup 12.07.08
Lesson Topic: Developing Habits - Bible Memorization
Attendance: Average
'Fun' Factor: m&m munch down. four good heart volunteers stepped up for a green m&m eating contest...but we changed it up after they stepped up because the green was so lonely and it is CHRISTmas time...needed some red. left up to the audience...strawberry topping or salsa as a topping...of course the audience chose the medium hot sauce. fun stuff. the winner got a bag of red m&m's for the effort...way to go whitney!
Volunteer Involvement: Average. we were missing a few folks.
Music: veneration kicked us off with some amped CHRISTmas carols
Lesson Quality: above average
Length of Lesson: 25 minutes...before we got to the teaching we spent some great time in small groups. this is working work...in fact we're having a little difficulty getting out of small groups. the discussion tonite was centered around the the "distractanators" that are in our lives when it comes to reading scripture. great transition into
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