Sunday, October 26, 2008

weekly wrapup 10.26.08

Lesson Topic: the handwriting on the wall
Attendance: Average -missing some of our sr highers due to drama club production and a major biology project.
'Fun Factor': Parker teased us with a rendition of Amish Paradise as a reminder of the lip-synch contest coming up.
Volunteer Involvement: Excellent turn out by the adult leaders.
Music: veneration keeps pegging the needle! this week they took it up a notch with a new song on the play list from hillsong - desert song.
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 20 minutes
Student Response: there's a buzz that we're developing that is pretty cool. spent some time working on posters for the upcoming epiphany weekend at mohican juvenile. the band played desert song as a idea generator for the posters to be shared with the 25 young men.

we walked through the good and bad decisions of king belshazzar in Daniel 5:1-31. lots of buzz at the tables as the groups worked through a series of questions on the dis-embodied human hand that wrote on those palace walls. thought it was a nice errie story for the end of october. as a wrap up to the night the students were encouraged to think through what God was writing on their walls and how they saw Him working in their lives. on the front end of our time we watched a clip from the movie signs. the question asked: is it possible that there are no coincidences?

we ended the night with parker promoting the use of twitter as a tool for connecting us. you can follow us here...

we also announced a formation meeting for sr. high "evo groups" this coming wednesday @ 7pm @nhcc.

ht to chazzdaddy for the twitpic.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

weekly wrapup 10.19.08

bonfire 08

Lesson Topic: bonfire 08
Attendance: Above Average
'Fun Factor': Off the Hook - a visitor said "i've never had this much fun at a youth group!"
Volunteer Involvement: Average - lots missing because of emmaus weekend
Music: off this week - literally -the team went to the zoo...imagine.
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 20 minutes
Student Response: everyone had fun. rod and trish edmondson are always the greatest hosts. we spent the first hour just having fun. chariot race, capture the flag pole, un-banana, and bonkers. a great way to spend a cool fall evening. hot dogs, nachos and fabulous browines from mrs. stanton and mrs. roepke made it a great meal. the highlight was the fire that rod lit up. always impressive. pastor jeff selph's talk was almost as "hot" as he shared a message about standing up for our faith by looking at King David's mighty men from 2 Samuel 23:8-39.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

weekly wrapup 10.12.08

Lesson Topic: Seen my Ebeneezer?
Attendance: Above Average
'Fun Factor': Rockband is the bomb.
Volunteer Involvement: Average
Music: excellent.
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 25 minutes each.
Student Response: engaged. great conversations at the tables about "who is Jesus. it was jumped started by a recap of last week's Fields of Faith event. some new faces and some great hearts were there. also walked back into last week's discussion about "our purpose" as a youth ministry. staying with the super hero theme i used a clip from the original superman movie from 1978. there's a great scene near the beginnin where a young clark kent talks with his dad and ponders if its wrong to do things you were made to do. His dad says no, but reminds Clark that he was put on earth for a that is bigger than scoring touchdowns. was making a tie in that the students have a large purpose too...and wanting to help them to see that their good work for FoF had larger implications.

after a some table talk time about who Jesus is and some scripture to help unpack that we stepped back into a time of worship with adam leading through hillsong's mighty to save...which is quickly becoming the top song to sing. the last chorus was song acapella and there was an energy that i've not seen in a long while.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

fields of faith

one encouragement moment during our local fields of faith came through a drama telling of the Great Story. A telling of John 10:10...The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

this drama points out the truth that God wins...and reminds that He fights for us.