i thought this might be worthwhile... and will try and do this weekly
Lesson Topic:
On Location: Out of AfricaAttendance: Jr. Hi.-Below Average Sr. Hi.-Average
'Fun Factor': Average
(Race This!) Volunteer Involvement: Below Average
Music: Above Average -
the veneration is getting better each week.
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 24 mins
Student Response: Above Average
The focus of the night was on missions which for
new hope is a living out of a core

principle to make
disciples of all the nations. Both sessions included a panel conversation with the students who participated in
1 Night on the Street, including an almost foiled attempt to see the video from the outreach (stinkin' technology) and a great conversation with Dr. Glen Needham. (Note: Elizabeth, his daughter, a freshman at the OSU @ Marion was to be a part of the conversation, but she got late notice of a change in a final for college and stayed home to cram for it. )

Together the Needham's spent part of their most recent summer on a trip to South Africa. I invited them to visit and share about that adventure (you can read their blog
here) and broaden our scope a little. So whether we are talking about serving for KIA here in the southern part of Ashland County or spending nite in the heart of Cleveland's
Ohio City or thinking about travels some day in the near future to South Africa. Good stuff.
Labels: 1nightonthestreet, missions, WrapUp