good things abound. lots of stretching going on. we've pushed through the first 29 hours and there are good reports. there's been a few skirmishes with the dark side. it seems as though an advance in the Kingdom does not come with some assault against those who are in the midst of it. usually in the area of relationships and the typical drama stuff...and even some homesickness(we're only 27 miles from home!)
beyond the good work today in four different venues with the salvation army, habitat for humanity and several other local community based program, we're working together as a group through the harris boys good work -
do hard things.
tonite during our rap up time pastor steve was asking about one profound thought that the students had from the first chapter. one of our new 7th graders was quick to point out that...
it is like taco bell , with the "is" being our Christian faith. the student went on to share that she thinks we just have to be willing to "think out side the bun of our own Christian walk. and if we do that we will make a real difference. i think we're on to something.
i'm looking forward to tomorrow as we'll engage the conversation at a larger level by talking with several folks...one in AZ via skype and another locally that was encouraged by the former. very excited for how that might help shape the conversation for the take away for all us on sunday morning. stay tuned!